皮尔森大厅游泳池 30 Information

皮尔森大厅游泳池 30

地址:1800n. 广泛的圣. (Located in the basement of Pearson and McGonigle Halls)

Main Phone Number: 215-204-8751

联系: Beth McNutt--215-204-1675 or 伊丽莎白.mcnutt@cgpme93.net


Pool 30 is a six-lane, 25-yard pool. Walking through the men's or women's general locker rooms in the basement of Pearson and McGonigle Halls will provide you access to this pool. Please see one of the lifeguards on duty for access to the women's general or faculty locker rooms and men's general or faculty locker rooms. 

The 校园娱乐 aquatics program provides informal recreational opportunities, such as lap swimming, structured group fitness programs, special events and certifications in Pool 30. Certified lifeguards are always on duty during all our recreational aquatic programs and events. 

Always bring a Temple OWLcard out on the pool deck to gain access into the pool.  

Pearson Pool 30 has a variety of equipment on deck to use, including: kick boards, 把浮标, 桨, 鳍, 慢跑腰带, 面条, 水粉丝, and water dumbbells.

Pearson and McGonigle Halls, Pool 30 政策

1. Patrons must produce a valid PG电子试玩平台 issued identification upon request.

2. No one is allowed in the pool area without the presence of a PG电子试玩平台 Lifeguard.

3. Use of 校园娱乐 facilities and programs is voluntary. Patrons assume all risk associated with participation.

4. The following actions are cause for immediate dismissal from the facility and may result in temporary or permanent loss of privileges:

  • a. Disorderly conduct (ie. rough housing, running, etc.)
  • b. Inappropriate behavior
  • c. Abuse of facility or equipment
  • d. Abuse of staff members
  • e. Disregard for 校园娱乐 policies
  • f. Violation of university policies or procedures including, 但不限于, the Student Code of Conduct

5. All accidents/injuries or incidents are to be reported to 校园娱乐 staff immediately.

6. Personal items that are not in use must be stored in a locker. 校园娱乐 is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

7. Unauthorized use of camera/video/audio recording devices is prohibited. Authorization must be in writing and may only be provided by 校园娱乐 full-time staff.

8. Food, gum, non-sealed beverages and glass bottles are prohibited. Only water is allowed while in the pool area.

9. Diving is strictly prohibited.

10. Swimsuits are required. Cut off, mesh, and undergarment shorts are prohibited.

11. Individuals with band-aids, open cuts/sores or rashes are not permitted in the pool.

12. Underwater breath holding activities are NOT permitted.

13. Guards may require testing to determine swim capability and limit access based on results. Anyone not satisfactorily passing the test MUST be kept in the shallow end.

14. Circle Swimming is recommended when sharing a lane.

15. Personal music playing devices must be used with headphones at all times.